
Happy Washington’s Birthday 2013

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Thank you to those who sent in quotations of George Washington to commemorate his birthday today. Given current events, all the quotations were extremely apt. Submitted by Conrad: “… experience teaches us, that it is much easier to prevent an Enemy from posting themselves, than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession.” […]


America Needs a President

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The need for sex does not justify rape. Similarly, the need for food, shelter, clothing, and health care does not justify the welfare state. It’s as simple as that. In civilized society, intercourse is by mutual consent, not compulsion. Tragically for America, Barack Obama—along with the half of the nation that supports him—systematically evades this […]


Happy Ayn Rand’s Birthday 2013

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I celebrate February 2, the birthday of Ayn Rand, by opening one of her novels to a random page and reading. Today I read these two passages from The Fountainhead. “Miss Cook, I’ve read Clouds and Shrouds and it was a spiritual revelation to me. Allow me to include myself among the few who understand […]