
Sexual Orientation, Emotion, and Choice

This article by me appears this morning in The Federalist:

How Choice And Emotion Can Influence Sexual Orientation

Here is a passage from the article:

If a person truly believes his own sexual orientation is good for him, then identifying his ideas and values consistent with his orientation can only bring him further good. In The Romantic Manifesto, Ayn Rand writes, “When love is a conscious integration of reason and emotion, of mind and values, then—and only then—it is the greatest reward of man’s life.”

Also, my book, Masculine Power, Feminine Beauty: The Volitional, Objective Basis for Heterosexuality in Romantic Love and Marriage, was recently reviewed by Edward Cline on the Ruled of Reason blog.

And my book is mentioned on Dollars & Crosses.

To find the book on Amazon, click on the cover image below:

Masculine Power, Feminine Beauty