My Books

See my books on my author page at Amazon.

The second edition of my latest book, A Validation of Knowledge, is available on Amazon.

Peter McAllister expertly interviews me: “Is Faith Ultimately the Basis of Science as Well as Religion?

Arshak Benlian (@agbenlian on Twitter) asked me excellent questions in his recent series of eleven interviews of me about the book.

James Ellias also asked me excellent questions in a more recent series of interviews about my book.

Also now available is the second edition of Masculine Power, Feminine Beauty. See interviews of me, also by Arshak Benlian, about this book.

See my 2018 article in Quillette about philosophy: “The Indispensable Study of Inescapable Matters.” (You have to subscribe to Quillette to see the article, but a subscription is free.)

See my channel on Medium. See my article, Judeo-Christian Conservatives Are Today’s Main Defenders of Western Civilization, based on a previous blog post.

See my 2015 article in The FederalistHow Choice And Emotion Can Influence Sexual Orientation.

For something short, see Woke Theory in 19 Words.