
Fight for Election Integrity, Continued

I support President Trump in his ongoing fight, whether as President or not, to save America by restoring the integrity of our elections. I also commend President Trump for opposing lawlessness, whether by supporters or enemies. This opposition to lawlessness is in stark contrast to Democrats–such as Biden, Harris, and mainstream media–who have condoned and even promoted lawlessness by criminal movements such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter.

Here are some excellent commentaries yesterday on this contrast:

“This Is Not Who We Are…” by Mark Steyn

Democrats Were For Riots Before They Were Against Them by Daniel Greenfield

A Facebook post by Walter Hudson

Here are two new, informative links–since my last post–on election irregularities:

Exclusive With Data Scientists: Public Data Shows 432,000 Trump Votes Removed in Pennsylvania

The Art of the Steal, Volume Two of the Navarro Report, January 5, 2021