
What Now, Uncle Sam?

In August 2022, I published a blog post entitled “America Has the Most Virtuous Right and Most Evil Left.” Last week’s conviction of former President Trump provides more proof of the evil of the American Left, this time manifest in the form of further disdain for the rule of law—on the heels of repeated obstruction to protect the Biden crime family, censorship of free speech, subversion of immigration law, persecution of individuals at the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6th (2021), and forgiveness of student loans in defiance of the U.S. Supreme Court.

These are the best articles I read on the Trump case:

– Jonathan Turley, Buzz Kill: The Trump Conviction Presents a Target-Rich Environment for Appeal.

– Mark Hemingway, America’s Corrupt Political Class Should Be Prosecuted, Not Trump.

A few days before the 2020 election, in a blog post entitled “Anti-Trumper for Trump,” I wrote,

Now we come to the main reason I will vote for Trump and against every Democrat. Trump saw critical race theory in our government bureaucracy and government-run schools, and knew it was evil. And he took action.

After years of Biden—the botched, deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan; the fecklessness emboldening Russia, China, and Islamists; taking the side of Gaza over Israel; anti-capitalism in all ways; and the aforementioned lawlessness—I am now an anti-Trumper for Trump in spades. But there is one reason above all the rest. The Democrats’ support for critical race theory has broadened to encompass all elements of the woke agenda, including DEI, “decolonization,” and—most evil (not to mention hideous) of all—LGBTQ+.

Since I began writing publicly about politics around the tun of the century, every public policy I have written against has gotten worse. Everything in mainstream culture has gotten worse too, but a few things have gotten better for rational individuals. In my blog post “Anti-Trumper for Trump,” I also wrote,

I expect that, by actual number of legitimate votes, Trump will win in a landslide. But I also expect massive voter fraud by the Democrats, because the Left denies the existence of truth itself and so rejects honesty itself. I also expect that the Democratic Party will seek to subvert the nation rather than concede defeat peacefully. And so the outcome of the election is uncertain. It could soon be the end of the American republic. But it won’t be the end of the world.

Thanks to talk radio, Fox News, Glenn Beck, Internet bloggers, and even social media (which the Right has won; that is why the Left is now desperate to silence us), we on the Right—the defenders of individual rights of life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness—now know one another and how to remain in contact with one another. The day Trump leaves office, whether in 2021 or 2025, I expect him (if he is not arrested by Leftist tyrants) to start or acquire a competing social medium that takes away half the American business from Facebook and Twitter overnight. (I would switch from Facebook. I’ve never been on Twitter.)

Elon Musk beat Trump to a social media platform, and the rollout of Truth Social had too many delays. So I have switched from Facebook to Twitter, and the good guys are in more contact than ever with one another. They are more courageous too, even with all the censorship and political persecution. And juxtaposed with all the scandals and Nazi-like riots in established educational institutions from pre-school to the Ivy League are new, pro-reason educational ventures such as University of Austin, Ralston College, and the Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism.

But a crucial element is missing. I wrote about it in 2009:

Do enough Americans have the understanding of freedom—of capitalism—necessary to know what to stand for as well as against? Probably not.

Numerous commentators today are good at calling our attention to things we should be against. I have always tried to explain what to be for. And I have always focused on trying to help good people become better, rather than trying to help bad people become good. In the next few blog posts, I will be redoubling my efforts.


Remember D-Day on June 6.