
How I Am Spending My Spring Vacation

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First, I am nearly done with my book on epistemology, which has been nearly thirty years in the making. An advance copy is now being read by colleagues. Here is a draft of the cover. While colleagues have been reading, I have sought an alternative to in-person performances of my one-man show, which have been […]


Soul Celebrations and Spiritual Snacks — Book Recommendation

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Soul Celebrations and Spiritual Snacks, by my friend Alexandra York, is a book of “secular spirituality.” This new book is a systematic collection of educated, rational, and emotionally evocative exercises and best practices for cultivating one’s love for nature and for the highest elements of mankind—in art and romance—for the purpose of reaping sublime rewards […]


Abolish Socialist Schools, and Defeat Socialism

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The new scoundrels leading the political Left are finally admitting—after more than a century of brazen lying by such Leftist scoundrels as Woodrow Wilson, Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, and Barack Obama—that they are socialists. Therefore, without confusing readers and without repeating lengthy explanations, I can now just refer to Leftists as socialists. Socialism is generally […]


The Merchant of Mars — Screenplay Version Published

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The screenplay version of my story, The Merchant of Mars, is now available for sale. The screenplay was represented by a prestigious Hollywood literary agency years ago, but was shelved. The heroes are patriotic American capitalists who want to exploit Mars as private property; the villains are environmentalists, aided by the Communist Chinese government, who […]


Happy 113th Birthday of Ayn Rand

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As is my custom, I celebrate the birthday of Ayn Rand by opening one of her novels to a random page and reading. Here is something I read today, from The Fountainhead, Part Two, Chapter 5: His great voice was soft and persuasive. It filled the room, but it made his listeners realize that it […]


End the Perverse National Endowment for the Arts

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The following is a slightly edited version of an open letter I wrote in May, 1995. Dear Artist: I urge you to consider this argument for the dissolution of the National Endowment for the Arts. The United States was founded on the principle of individual rights: life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Everyone has […]


Happy Atlas Shrugged Day 2016

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Each year on September 2, informally known as Atlas Shrugged Day, I celebrate by opening to a random page of the novel and reading. I consider this novel by Ayn Rand the greatest work of art and perhaps the greatest achievement in history. Every page is an unsurpassed inspiration. Here is part of the reason […]


My Novella, The Merchant of Mars

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My novella, The Merchant of Mars, is available on Amazon in paperback (list price of $10) and as a Kindle ebook ($3). Just click this cover: Here is what the story is about. The head of NASA convinces the President that space exploration should be done by private industry, and the United States government declares, […]


Happy 111th birthday of Ayn Rand

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As is my custom, I celebrate the birthday of Ayn Rand by opening one of her novels to a random page and reading. Any passage is a great inspiration. Here is what I read today, from Atlas Shrugged, Part One / Chapter IX (thanks to Phil Oliver and his Objectivism Research CD-ROM for making it […]