
Children and the State

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This is the entire text of a 30-second, presumably scripted, commercial for MSNBC, spoken by MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry. We have never invested as much in public education as we should have, because we’ve always had kind of a private notion of children: “Your kid is yours, and totally your responsibility.” We haven’t had a […]


“I am Married … to a Woman”

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I have resisted blogging on the notion of ‘same-sex marriage’, because the issue seemed beneath the dignity of my blog. But the U.S. Supreme Court is considering the issue, and I am sick of those ‘equal’ signs on Facebook. Also, I think that good people are being hoodwinked by the political Left aided by religious […]


Quang Nguyen, American Patriot

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In a recent post, I wrote, We don’t have an immigration problem; we have a welfare-state problem. It used to be that immigrants came to America for freedom, and so America got most of the world’s best people. Since the rise of the welfare state, some still come here for freedom, but others come for […]


Happy Washington’s Birthday 2013

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Thank you to those who sent in quotations of George Washington to commemorate his birthday today. Given current events, all the quotations were extremely apt. Submitted by Conrad: “… experience teaches us, that it is much easier to prevent an Enemy from posting themselves, than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession.” […]


America Needs a President

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The need for sex does not justify rape. Similarly, the need for food, shelter, clothing, and health care does not justify the welfare state. It’s as simple as that. In civilized society, intercourse is by mutual consent, not compulsion. Tragically for America, Barack Obama—along with the half of the nation that supports him—systematically evades this […]


What Government Should Do About Crime and About Ownership of Guns by Private Citizens

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In my previous post, I argued that Americans Absolutely Need to Own Advanced Firearms. The people who want to take away our guns are the people who have caused high crime in the first place, through their New Leftist ideas: anti-reality, anti-free will, anti-reason, anti-moral absolutes, anti-individual, anti-capitalism, anti-West, anti-America, anti-human. Moreover, the New Left […]


Americans Absolutely Need to Own Advanced Firearms

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The U.S. government does not trust every American soldier to possess nuclear weapons. Likewise, the U.S. government should not trust private citizens to possess nuclear weapons. But the U.S. government does trust more than a million American soldiers to possess advanced firearms. Likewise, the U.S. government should trust private citizens to possess such firearms. If […]