Romantic Love

The Antidote to LGBTQ: Articulate the Good

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Anti-capitalists such as Herbert Marcuse have lamented that capitalism made the working class too content to revolt, and so they have sought to create a new coalition of malcontents including “ghetto populations” and sexual “queers.” What Critical Race Theory does to grow and perpetuate the first group, LGBT—and now Q too—ideology does for the second. […]


Monetary Exit Ramp

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How do you defend against a nefarious attacker? You prepare for the threat years in advance, so that you possess overwhelming superiority. Western leaders have blown that opportunity—again. Our side won World War I, and un-won it less than a generation later. We won WWII, and un-won it less than a generation later. We un-won […]


Woke Theory in 19 Words

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Thankfully, capable intellectuals are fighting back against the neo-Marxist “woke” ideology, which encompasses critical race theory, intersectionality, LGBT ideology, queer theory, gender studies, feminism, postcolonialism, disability studies, fat studies, and social justice. For a partial list of counters to the woke coalition of malcontents, see my recent blog post entitled “Farewell, Cedar City.” With so […]


Farewell, Cedar City

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Expel the state-run university, save your freedom. The video embedded below is an expanded version of a talk I gave on August 5, 2021, bidding farewell to Cedar City, Utah. I left this rural town because critical race theory has thoroughly infected the local state-run university, Southern Utah University. To save the town, local citizens […]


Happy Atlas Shrugged Day 2021

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I celebrate Atlas Shrugged Day (September 2) each year by opening to a random page of Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand, and reading a passage. Here is what I found today, on page 790 of the hardcover book (New York: Random House, 1957), Part III, Chapter II (“The Utopia of Greed”): Of any one person, of any […]

Romantic Love

Masculine Power, Feminine Beauty — Second Edition

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I am pleased to announce the publication of the second edition of my book Masculine Power, Feminine Beauty: The Volitional, Objective Basis for Heterosexuality in Romantic Love and Marriage. The book, in paperback listed for $13 and as an ebook listed for $5, is available on Amazon and in other bookstores through Amazon’s expanded distribution. […]


God Bless Yeonmi Park and Jordan B. Peterson

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Some readers of this blog may wonder why I have not written recently on politics. Sadly, the disastrous Biden administration is a predictable sequel to the Obama administration, which I blogged about for eight years. Thankfully, I live in relocated to a red dot in a red state, where Biden got less than 20% of […]


Fight for Election Integrity, Continued

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I support President Trump in his ongoing fight, whether as President or not, to save America by restoring the integrity of our elections. I also commend President Trump for opposing lawlessness, whether by supporters or enemies. This opposition to lawlessness is in stark contrast to Democrats–such as Biden, Harris, and mainstream media–who have condoned and […]