
End Leftist Privilege, and Maybe Leftists Will Really Leave

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It seemed like a nightmare when Americans elected a president with such evil ideas in 2008. Since then, the Obama administration has waged relentless and multifaceted war against individual rights—against the unalienable individual rights of life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. This blog has largely been a journal of the Obama administration. See […]


I Relocated for Politics

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I relocated for politics. It was one of the best decisions I ever made. What I discovered was not only a better political environment but also a much better culture, which of course was the basis for the politics. I encourage everyone, whatever his politics, to consider an analogous relocation. In my case, I went […]


Capitalism and America vs. Clinton and Trump

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Capitalism and socialism are opposite social systems. Under capitalism, intercourse is consensual. Under socialism, including its variants such as fascism, intercourse is compulsory or forbidden. Because I love America and respect millions of Americans, I still have hope that neither Trump (the flamboyant fascist scoundrel) nor Clinton (the female fascist scoundrel), will be president. Both […]


Ted Cruz and the Survival of Civilization

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For generations, defenders of freedom have sought a Republican who would not cave in to Democrats and other statists, who would remain true to the principle of freedom. As in his solitary marathon stand to defund Obamacare, as in his condemnation of Republican leadership in Congress, Ted Cruz once again proved that he is a […]


My Book on Amazon: The Longevity Argument

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I recently Googled myself on Google Scholar, and I learned that my 2009 article, “Past Longevity as Evidence for the Future,” published in Philosophy of Science, has been cited favorably by three different philosophers in four of the top twenty ranked journals of philosophy: Journal of Philosophy (ranked #3), Analysis (#8), Synthese (#10), and Ratio […]


Support Cruz Because of Ideology

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The past two presidential elections have pitted a democrat against a fascist. In both cases, the democrat lost. The capital-D Democrat Obama was, charitably speaking, the fascist. Those past two elections were lost when the Republicans, under the influence of the mainstream media, nominated a democrat. This year, America is in danger of seeing the Republicans […]


It is the Submission that Causes the Violence

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In this article about Islam, about which libraries have been written, I will make or allude to these main points: – In the Koran, more fundamental than the pervasive call to violence against non-believers is the pervasive call for coercion; and more fundamental than the pervasive call for coercion is the pervasive call for submission […]


Why I Oppose Open Immigration, on Principle

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In 2013, regarding immigration, I wrote, Any non-criminal, non-disease-carrying individual should be free to enter the United States and work just like any American citizen. I was wrong. I failed to realize that an enemy can organize large numbers of people who have not yet committed a detectable crime, but who have committed—or are at […]