
Fight for Election Integrity, Continued

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I support President Trump in his ongoing fight, whether as President or not, to save America by restoring the integrity of our elections. I also commend President Trump for opposing lawlessness, whether by supporters or enemies. This opposition to lawlessness is in stark contrast to Democrats–such as Biden, Harris, and mainstream media–who have condoned and […]


The 2020 Election and the Burden of Proof

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Here are additional informative links, since my last blog post, on the 2020 election. Phill Kline: New Amistad Project Election Lawsuit; $500 Mil to Increase Votes in Dem Strongholds?https://www.youtube.com/embed/Vic4LpJKFNg Evidence of voter, ballot, and election irregularities and lawlessness in the presidential election of November 3, 2020https://got-freedom.org/evidence/ Yes, It Was a Stolen Electionhttps://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/2020/12/yes-it-was-stolen-election-john-perazzo A Simple Test […]


Fight for Election Integrity

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I support President Trump and other patriotic Americans fighting for the integrity of our elections. For news and information on the presidential election, these are the most objective and informative sources I have been following: The Epoch Times Sharyl Attkisson Matt Braynard Specific posts especially worth reading or watching for an overview include these: https://www.theepochtimes.com/election-fraud-allegations-infographic_3605589.html […]


Anti-Trumper for Trump

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I did not vote for Trump last time, but I will this time, because the Democratic Party has turned against civilization. A clear sign that both candidates—and both major parties—have betrayed liberty is that both parties unequivocally want the government to continue requiring health insurance for pre-existing conditions. Just a decade ago, half the country […]


Artists, Take Your Stand

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I posted this message on Facebook in August 2018 and again in August 2019. The message is especially important in 2020, with civilization under assault. Are you an artist who loves beauty, not ugliness; virtues, not flaws; heroes, not mediocrities; integrity, not contradictions; clarity, not ambiguity; aspiration, not futility; romance, not promiscuity; eloquence, not vulgarity; […]


Leftism, Racism, Death

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The intrepid Heather Mac Donald, in this excellent short article, reminds us of facts that everyone knows at least approximately: Facts don’t matter to the academic victimology narrative. Far from destroying the black body, whites are the overwhelming target of interracial violence. Between 2012 and 2015, blacks committed 85.5 percent of all black-white interracial violent […]


Abolish Socialist Schools, and Defeat Socialism

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The new scoundrels leading the political Left are finally admitting—after more than a century of brazen lying by such Leftist scoundrels as Woodrow Wilson, Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, and Barack Obama—that they are socialists. Therefore, without confusing readers and without repeating lengthy explanations, I can now just refer to Leftists as socialists. Socialism is generally […]


Using Deadly Force to Stop the Caravan of Invaders

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The first half of this essay presents facts, as reported by news media, regarding what has come to be called the “migrant caravan” traveling from Guatemala through Mexico, heading toward the southern border of the United States. In the second half, I recommend what the U.S. should do about this caravan. What has the caravan […]