
Romney Was As Leftist as Obama in the Debate

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Imagine not being able to beat Romney in a political debate. In the first Presidential debate of 2012, Romney humiliated Obama by going as far Left as Obama dared go before a national audience. Consequently, there was no choice for voters regarding ideology; the choice was limited to a question of competency. The choice was […]


If Murder of Americans is About a Video, Then It Is Indeed About U.S. Policy

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On September 11, 2012, Islamists attacked Americans in a U.S. foreign embassy and consulate and murdered four of those Americans in Libya. Evidence indicates that our government failed to take common-sense security measures to protect these Americans. Then our government issued numerous official statements that were as much condemnations of a YouTube video denigrating Islamists […]


It Was Good When Clinton Compromised With Republicans, Because Democrats Are Wrong

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(This post was revised on September 7, 2012.) In his speech last night at the Democratic National Convention, President Clinton repeatedly called for compromise and cooperation. Regarding the economy, compromise and cooperation are good when Democrats do it, because the Democrats are wrong. The best thing about Clinton’s presidency was that he did not merely […]


Compulsion versus Mutual Consent

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This graphic, which quotes President Clinton’s speech last night at the Democratic National Convention, and which appears today as the masthead of barackobama.com, reveals the political Left’s essential view of human relationships: Either you sleep with everyone or no one. See my analysis of similar statements by President Obama and his ilk. This new statement […]


Democrats are the Reason to Vote for Republicans

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Republicans have a significant altruist/collectivist element in their thinking, but at least that element is tempered by an element of reason/individualism. Democrats don’t have the element of reason/individualism. They speak incessantly of altruism (‘other’-ism etymologically), sacrifice, “shared prosperity,” and ‘coming together’. Moreover, even when they think they are being individualist, they are still being collectivist. […]


Happy Atlas Shrugged Day, 2012

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I consider Atlas Shrugged, by Ayn Rand, the greatest work of art and most advanced human achievement. September 2 (1946) is the date on which Ayn Rand began writing the novel, and is also the date on which the novel begins. I celebrate Atlas Shrugged Day by reading passages from the novel, often by opening […]


Granny and the Anti-Capitalist Cliff

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U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, caricatured in political ads last year and again this month as pushing Granny off the cliff of Medicare, is now the running mate of the maker of RomneyCare, who is running against the maker of ObamaCare. With the consequent renewed debate over proposed reforms of Medicare and other aspects of government-provided […]