
Happy Atlas Shrugged Day 2019

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Forget Labor Day. Today, September 2, is Atlas Shrugged Day. I celebrate this day each year by opening to a random page of this great novel, by Ayn Rand, and reading a passage. Here is what I found today, on page 512 of the hardcover book (New York: Random House, 1957), Part II, Chapter V (“Account Overdrawn”): […]


Abolish Socialist Schools, and Defeat Socialism

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The new scoundrels leading the political Left are finally admitting—after more than a century of brazen lying by such Leftist scoundrels as Woodrow Wilson, Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, and Barack Obama—that they are socialists. Therefore, without confusing readers and without repeating lengthy explanations, I can now just refer to Leftists as socialists. Socialism is generally […]


Discipline is Not a Bad Word

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(Update, July 21, 2020: Charlotte Cushman has written a book, Effective Discipline the Montessori Way, on this subject. See my review.) (This is the first post on this blog written by someone other than me. It is an honor for me to publish this guest post by Charlotte Cushman, author of Montessori: Why It Matters […]


Using Deadly Force to Stop the Caravan of Invaders

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The first half of this essay presents facts, as reported by news media, regarding what has come to be called the “migrant caravan” traveling from Guatemala through Mexico, heading toward the southern border of the United States. In the second half, I recommend what the U.S. should do about this caravan. What has the caravan […]


Motivating Philosophy

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This article of mine, motivating the study of philosophy, appeared last Friday in Quillette: The Indispensable Study of Inescapable Matters For those who do not know Quillette, here is Jordan Peterson interviewing Quillette founder Claire Lehmann: Here is an article about Lehmann and Quillette: Australia’s Mistress of the Intellectual Dark Web Here is a New York […]


The Merchant of Mars — Screenplay Version Published

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The screenplay version of my story, The Merchant of Mars, is now available for sale. The screenplay was represented by a prestigious Hollywood literary agency years ago, but was shelved. The heroes are patriotic American capitalists who want to exploit Mars as private property; the villains are environmentalists, aided by the Communist Chinese government, who […]


Happy 113th Birthday of Ayn Rand

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As is my custom, I celebrate the birthday of Ayn Rand by opening one of her novels to a random page and reading. Here is something I read today, from The Fountainhead, Part Two, Chapter 5: His great voice was soft and persuasive. It filled the room, but it made his listeners realize that it […]