
Presidential Debate on Foreign Policy

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In the ‘foreign-policy’ debate, Romney was even worse than I realized. He wants America to bring peace to the world, in the tradition of Woodrow Wilson. But Obama is unable or unwilling to conceptualize the nature of America’s enemies. To Obama, Russia—a nation run by a Soviet thug, persecuting its own citizens for political crimes, […]


Questions for the Final Presidential Debate

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Here are my questions for both candidates in the final Presidential debate of 2012, on foreign policy, Monday evening. When you negotiate with Russia and China, which do you seek for the United States: military equality or military superiority? Do you consider the United States of America the most moral nation in history, and why? […]


If Murder of Americans is About a Video, Then It Is Indeed About U.S. Policy

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On September 11, 2012, Islamists attacked Americans in a U.S. foreign embassy and consulate and murdered four of those Americans in Libya. Evidence indicates that our government failed to take common-sense security measures to protect these Americans. Then our government issued numerous official statements that were as much condemnations of a YouTube video denigrating Islamists […]


How to Save Israel

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Peace is not the answer. War is the answer. President George W. Bush never asked for or followed my advice, but I sent him this letter on April 6, 2002: Dear Mr. President: I urge you to make a radical change to your policy regarding the conflict of Israel against the dictatorial and murderous regimes […]


The Dog Ate My Country

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This statement, about the U.S. military presence in Afghanistan, made last week by President Obama, has been replayed repeatedly on television news: After eight years—some of those years in which we did not have, I think, either the resources or the strategy to get the job done—it is my intention to finish the job. It […]


Obama Endorses Mutual Assured Destruction

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[This may be my last post for a while. I am taking a break from blogging in order to focus on another project.] In his news conference with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Monday, President Obama essentially endorsed the policy of Mutual Assured Destruction for America’s ongoing relations with Russia. My google search indicates that […]


Ayn Rand’s Diagnosis of “Collectivized Rights”

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Explain this contradiction. When he discusses Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, Obama talks about killing or capturing them. But when he discusses Ahmadinejad, Khamenei, and the Iranian government, Obama talks about “diplomacy” and “a good-faith effort to resolve differences,” and “a new beginning.” Even in this past Tuesday’s press conference, when he finally condemned […]