
Exposition vs. Drama

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I have seen the movie, Atlas Shrugged Part 1. I do not plan to publish a review, but I have written an essay comparing one scene, viewable on the Internet, to the corresponding scene in the novel. In this essay, my secondary purpose is to judge this small part of the movie; my primary purpose […]


Happy Ayn Rand’s Birthday

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This morning, I celebrated the birthday of Ayn Rand. I opened Atlas Shrugged to a page at random, and began reading. The passage I read was about a great injustice committed against one of the heroes. I was reminded of great injustices in world events today, foreseen by this passage. Yet the very brilliance of […]


Ayn Rand’s Diagnosis of “Collectivized Rights”

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Explain this contradiction. When he discusses Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, Obama talks about killing or capturing them. But when he discusses Ahmadinejad, Khamenei, and the Iranian government, Obama talks about “diplomacy” and “a good-faith effort to resolve differences,” and “a new beginning.” Even in this past Tuesday’s press conference, when he finally condemned […]